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Should you do Yoga or Gym: Which is better?

In the light of celebrating June 21 as International Yoga Day, some of my gym-going pals jokingly suggested that why not make International Gym Day a thing? This notion has been stuck in my head for seconds. What exactly is it about yoga that’s so great? There’s something special about yoga, isn’t there? What is he talking about

On 21st June, people all over the world celebrate International Yoga Day. yoga is considered a spiritual and physical practice that has many health benefits. But some people argue that yoga is inferior to other forms of exercise, like gymming. In this blog post, we will see yoga and gymming from a scientific perspective and see which one is better for you!

better to do yoga before or after workout

You may think that you can get away with doing yoga at any time of the day, but that’s not true. You can’t do yoga when you’re too tired or stressed out.

Yoga is an exercise that’s good for your health and should be done in a quiet environment. It helps to get rid of stress and worries from your mind, which is why it’s so useful for people who work long hours It balance out your body’s systems so that it doesn’t become too tense or overworked by doing too much physical activity.

If you’re looking to improve your workout performance, you may want to consider doing yogabefore you hit the gym.

Yoga can needs you to focus and center yourself, which can be difficult to do after a strenuous workout. Breathing deeply and slowly during yoga can help you to better relax your body, making it easier to recover from your workout.

Additionally, yoga can help improve your flexibility, which can make it easier to perform certain exercises with good form. This can lead to better results and fewer injuries.

So, if you’re looking to take your workout to the next level, consider adding some yoga to your routine beforehand. It just might give you the boost you need to reach your fitness goals.

Certain Yoga pose that can be performed after workout

Not all forms of yoga are created equal.

1. The best type of yoga for after-workout recovery is called Hatha yoga or headstand poses (also called vinyasa). These postures require you to focus on specific muscles as you move through them and work out your entire body at once. This type of yoga can help reduce inflammation in the body as well as increase flexibility and strength in the muscles throughout your body

woman doing headstand yoga
Headstand or hatha yoga

2. Another type of yoga that is great for recovery after a workout is Kundalini (or kundalini shakti) yoga which focuses specifically on breathing techniques while working out certain parts of your body such as abdominal muscles or thigh muscles

3. Corpse Pose: This final pose is the perfect way to relax and rejuvenate the body after a workout. It allows the body and mind to completely let go and drift off into a peaceful state.

So next time you finish up a workout, try incorporating some of these yoga poses into your cool-down routine. Your body will thank you!

Deputy Prime Minister of Australia Performing yoga poses

Yoga is a low-impact form of exercise that can be done by people of all ages. It does not require any special equipment or clothing, and can be done in any location. Yoga benefits your health by improving flexibility, strength, and balance; reducing stress; and improving breathing and circulation.

Gymming is a more high-impact form of exercise that requires special equipment and clothing. It is usually done in a gym or other controlled environment. Gymming benefits your health by improving muscle tone and strength and improving cardiovascular fitness. It has a lot more to do with getting in shape and may be used to boost your Physical appearance & social status.

Yoga or gymming? It depends on your fitness goals and preferences.

  1. If you are an elderly and aim is functional maintaince performing day to day job, yoga is better for you as minimal strain on muscles is put by this form of exercise. Also, people with some medical issues like high blood pressure, heart problems etc should opt for yoga over gymming. Yoga can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and is a safe and effective way to stay active.
  2. For middle aged people – who want to stay fit, a combination of both yoga and gymming would be ideal as it will help them achieve their fitness goals while also reducing the risk of chronic diseases. So, there you have it! Yoga and gymming are both great forms of exercise,
  3. For Teenagers, who have time and are not suffering from any medical issues, going to the gym is better as it will help them build muscle and improve their appearance
  4. For kids It helps them to improve flexibility, strength, and balance; reduces stress; and improves breathing and circulation. yoga is also low-impact, so it is safe for kids of all ages to do.
  5. Which is expensive– Joining a gym can be expensive as it not only requires a membership fee but also the cost of equipment and clothing. However, there are many affordable options available, such as community centers and home gyms. whereas yoga can be done for free in most cases.
  6. Difficulty Level– you must have seen people making weird poses may appear easy but it requires years of practice to achieve them and small mistake can lead to injuries. Practice without Guru just by watching some youtube videos can result in injuries. So, it is better to join a yoga class which will have a certified instructor who can guide you through the poses safely.
  7. On the other hand, gymming has different levels for beginners, intermediates, and experts. Unless you are over enthusiastic to show off your toned muscles in a short time, Injuries are not so common

What if you’re not sure which one to choose ?

If you’re not sure which form of exercise is right for you, it’s a good idea to consult with a doctor or fitness expert. They can help you assess your fitness goals and needs, and recommend the best course of action for you. So, there you have it! Yoga and gymming are both great forms of exercise,

Which one has better long term effects

FROM Mental physical spiritual perspective- Yoga has been shown to have a number of mental and physical health benefits, including reducing stress, improving flexibility and balance, and increasing muscle strength. Yoga is also low-impact and can be done by people of all ages, making it a great form of exercise for the whole family.

Yoga has many benefits for your health, including reducing stress, improving flexibility and balance, and improving circulation. However, yoga is not as effective as gymming when it comes to visible results like muscle tone and strength.

If you are looking for a more high-impact form of exercise, gymming is the better choice. However, before starting any new exercise regimen, be sure to consult with your doctor first. And most importantly – have fun! no matter what you choose. June is International Yoga day after all! ; )

So tell me in comments section which activity you prefer yoga or gymming? And why? lets have some discussion on this topic. As always stay healthy stay happy! 🙂


I like to travel and experiment with new things. I write a blog about AirBnb and also share my experiences on Travel. I am interested in learning more about people and places around the world, so if you have any questions or suggestions for me, please don't hesitate to reach out!

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